Pet Care

Walking Your Dog in a Winter Wonderland? Protect Your Pet's Paws with These Tips

In many parts of the country, winter weather is in full swing. For those experiencing snowy or icy conditions, it’s important to keep in mind that the winter season poses some elevated health risks for our pets—including our pets’ paws. Before you take your pups outside for a stroll through the snow, check out a few of our winter paw-care tips: 
  • Towel off. It’s helpful to bring a towel along on long walks to clean off irritated paws.

House Training Your Dog or Puppy

You’ve brought a new dog into your home—congratulations! Now comes your first dog-training challenge: house training.

House training is not an exact science—there’s no sure-fire formula or timetable that will work for every dog. The important thing is to make it a positive experience. Here are a few tips to help you through it.

Protect Your Pets Before Disaster Strikes

Guest blog by ASPCA President & CEO Matt Bershadker

Just because most disasters strike with little or no warning doesn’t mean we can’t effectively prepare for them. But while a lot of attention has been devoted to disaster planning for people, disaster planning for pets is all too often left out of the conversation, with tragic results. September may be National Preparedness Month, but the truth is we should always be preparing –with both ourselves and our pets in mind—so we can always be ready.

Three Ways You Can Prepare Your Pet for an Emergency

September is National Preparedness Month, and we’re busy helping pet parents get ready to face a natural disaster or emergency before it strikes. Here are three things you can do this month to help your pets weather a storm:

1. Download the ASPCA Mobile App. Our new app allows users to store critical pet records required to board pets at evacuation shelters, provides customized steps to search for lost pets, and includes a check-list of actions to take before, during and after a storm.

How to Ease Your Dog's Separation Anxiety

If your dog uses his time alone in the house to bark endlessly, pee on the carpet, or tear up the sofa—and those behaviors are accompanied by depression or stress—your pooch may be suffering from separation anxiety, a very common behavior problem.

Overcoming disorders like separation anxiety takes time, patience and consistency, but it can be done! Just take the following steps, and you’re already on your way.

What Would You Do if You Saw a Dog in a Hot Car? ASPCA Survey Reveals One Third of Adults Did Nothing

A few weeks ago, we shared an Urgent Alert about the dangers of leaving dogs in parked cars on hot days. What we didn’t know at the time, though, was just how urgent the situation truly is.

According to a new poll conducted by the ASPCA, an overwhelming majority of adults—93 percent—who have never encountered a dog in a car on a hot day said they would do something to help, but of those adults who actually faced such a situation, only 63 percent took action.


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