
7 years

Take a little goofiness and a whole lot of sweetness, and tie it all up in one pretty package—that’s Joshua for you! This good boy wants nothing more than to spend time with anyone and everyone. He’s looking for a new family who’s ready for some snuggles and playtime—and a whole lot of love, too!

Big fan of: People! Joshua hasn’t met a person he doesn’t like, and he greets everyone who passes by not only with his handsome smile, but also with a full-body wiggle! He absolutely adores pets and scratches just about anywhere, but his favorite spot by far is his stomach! This guy happily rolls over and revels in all the belly rubs you’re willing to give. Aside from “loving”, if there’s one word to describe Joshua it’s “playful!” Throwing around or gnawing on a squeaky toy is Joshua’s game of choice—he even loves cuddling up on your lap with one!

Working on: His confidence! Joshua came to the ASPCA Adoption Center from one of our partner shelters in the south, so he’s still getting used to the loud sounds that come along with living in the Big Apple. Joshua also isn’t a big fan of having his harness put on, so his adopter should be sure to use lots of yummy treats when getting him ready and taking him out for walks to help him learn that harnessing and loud sounds really aren’t so scary!

Dream home: A total sweetheart, Joshua would make a great first dog. Come meet him today to see if he’s a good fit for your family!


