
Grey/ White Tabby
6 years

Reba is a unique-looking kitty with a personality to match! This gal can be a little nervous around strangers, but give her some time to get comfortable and Reba starts to show her true self—a loving and social lady. Reba always enjoys going after laser pointers or rolling around in some catnip, but her favorite way to pass the time is by spending it mellowly with her people. Whether she’s plopping down in your lap, snuggling up with you on the couch or sleeping next to you in bed, Reba loves showing her sweet and social personality. She also loves spending lots of time with her best friend Reid! Her spunky side comes out most when she’s with him and has the chance to partake in mutual playing, chasing and wrestling. Reba and Reid can’t imagine life without each other, so they must go home together. If you think they may be the cats for you, come meet them today!

Reba and Reid