
Black/ White
7 years

India arrived at the ASPCA in May as a stray mama cat with two kittens in tow—and now that she’s finished raising her babies to adoption age, she’s ready to find a new home herself! India has taken her motherhood role very seriously, so we’re still getting to know who she truly is when her kittens aren’t around. According to her foster caregiver, India is a chatterbox who has no problem demanding food or pets from her people! When India first arrived in her foster home, she was nervous and wasn’t a fan of being pet. India still enjoys her space, but with time she’s let her social side start to come out! Her foster caregiver notes that when she first wakes up in the morning, India comes over to greet her and ask for scratches. This pretty lady can sometimes be found lounging in window sills, getting in a quick play session or resting on a low, cool surface. Overall, India is a confident, beautiful kitty who knows that she can hold her own!

India is a sweet girl and would make a great cat for any family who’s appreciative of her independent style and is willing to keep learning about who she is! If you’re interested in adopting India, we’d love for you to fill out our Cat Adoption Survey.


