
Samson was adopted!
Basset Hound/Pointer Mix

Big fan of: Toys, wide open spaces, snuggling with his favorite people and—this is a big one—spending time in the company of other dogs.

Not a fan of: City sights and noises—Samson is a country boy in a city Adoption Center waiting for a suburban or rural family to come take him to the setting he prefers!

Special features: Samson enjoys playing with other dogs of his own size and energy level, so he could make a great second dog for the right family.

Other reasons he’s special: Samson is afraid of strangers and many other novel things. In the city, he gets outside and just freezes—it’s a little heartbreaking. Once he falls for you, he falls hard, but he needs a patient person who will give him time to settle in and get used to his new surroundings.

Dream home: An adults-only home in a suburban or rural area would be perfect for this special guy. People with dog experience with an interest in helping Samson with his fear issues are especially encouraged to adopt him.

If you’re interested: Please call our Adoption Center in New York City at (212) 876-7700, ext. 4900.
