Inside the ASPCA's Response to Hurricane Florence

In the wake of Hurricane Florence, ASPCA responders remain on the ground in North Carolina to continue to assist animals displaced by the storm and the communities impacted. In the past week, we’ve conducted animal search-and-rescue, brought food and supplies to pets in need, and worked tirelessly alongside local agencies to provide emergency sheltering for 150 animals affected by severe flooding.
We’ve also helped to ensure the safety of many of the affected communities’ homeless animals by evacuating them and placing them with animal welfare groups in areas safe from the storm’s impact. While our response efforts are far from over, we want to give you an inside look at what we’ve seen on the ground, ongoing rescue efforts, and, most importantly, the animals who are now out of harm’s way.
Stranded animals wait for rescue:

Our responders search flooded areas for animals, rescuing several dogs, cats, chickens, peacocks and a rabbit:

Pups are bathed and dried after being brought to safety:

Rescued animals are transported to safety in our emergency response and relocation vehicles:

Animals are comforted by our responders:

The generous support of friends like you makes our work possible. Your donation now will go directly to the ASPCA's Field Investigations and Response Fund, which supports our lifesaving efforts for animals in disaster and cruelty situations, helping us provide care and supplies, and carry out rescue operations across the country. Please consider a gift today. On behalf of all the animals who receive second chances with your help, we thank you.