Horse Adoption Takes the Stage at Equine Affaire

As the sun set on Saturday, November 11, a bell’s ring echoed inside the massive barn and passersby paused to celebrate—another horse had found a home! One day remained, but the weekend was already a success.
From November 9-12, 2023, the ASPCA joined thousands of equine enthusiasts at the Equine Affaire in West Springfield, Massachusetts, for a weekend of expositions and equestrian events. With support from the ASPCA Right Horse program, the semiannual Equine Affaire features an “Adoption Affaire”—an adoption barn to help families find their #RightHorse. This year, the ASPCA sponsored stalls inside the adoption barn for two ASPCA Right Horse Partners, MSPCA at Nevins Farm and Purple Haze Standardbred Adoption Program, to showcase six adoptable equines.

Hundreds of visitors stopped by to meet and admire the horses. Between November 9-12, the bell tolled four times, marking new chapters for Rock, Zane, Guy, Luna and the loving families who adopted them. For one of the two remaining horses, Raya, luck was just around the corner. She was adopted the following week by someone who knew her years ago. Dakota remains available for adoption through the MSPCA—maybe he’s waiting for you!

A Senior Shined
In one of MSPCA’s stalls stood a Welsh Pony only 12 hands high. His name is Rock. His strawberry roan coat had faded as his 33 years went by, transitioning to the beautiful silver sheen he sports now.

By the second day at Equine Affaire, there was a buzz in the air as word spread that a precious senior pony was available for adoption. MSPCA received phone calls from excited families: “Is Rock still there?! I’m on my way!” Sure enough, one of those families came speed-walking through the busy barn in search of MSPCA’s blue and white logo. Out of breath and afraid they were too late, they said, “We’re here to adopt Rock! We called … he’s perfect … we have everything he needs … is he still here?” He was, and they spent the next few hours meeting Rock and discussing his needs with MSPCA team members. The rest is history, and Rock is now living out his golden years with love and human companionship.

Connecting Good People to Good Horses
Rock, Zane, Guy and Luna stole the show with their big moments, but the Equine Affaire also served as valuable opportunity to increase awareness about equine adoption and the ASPCA’s Right Horse program. Unlike dogs and cats, many people don’t yet think to adopt a horse, so ASPCA staff were onsite to answer the public’s questions about horse adoption and chat all things equine.

“Adoption events like Equine Affaire’s are an exciting way to connect horses to potential homes,” explains ASPCA Right Horse Program Director, Cailin Caldwell. “The event educates and inspires hundreds of attendees to explore equine adoption—some for the first time—which is a powerful way to help horses and make adoption more common.”
Inspired to adopt? Plan your trip to Equine Affaire in 2024, or visit myrighthorse.org to browse hundreds of adoptable horses today.