Downloadable Guide: Use Everyday Items to Spoil Your Shelter Cats
It’s Adopt a Shelter Cat Month—and if you can’t bring a new feline into the family, no problem! Whether you volunteer at a shelter, regularly foster kittens and cats in your home or just love DIY crafts, you can still help kitties in your local shelter or rescue group by giving them the spa treatment!
With a little help from shelters all around the country, the team at ASPCApro—the ASPCA’s sister site for animal welfare professionals and volunteers—has put together a special downloadable “Spa Day for Kitteh” booklet, featuring a full menu for pampering felines young and young-at-heart alike. And the best part? These eight great ideas all call for simple, inexpensive materials—many of which you might already have lying around your home:
What’s a spa day without a massage? Here, a simple paint roller does the trick.
Who ordered the special grooming session and refreshing drink? If you’re bottle-feeding itty bitty kitties, a toothbrush acts as a mom cat’s tongue, helping stimulate them to better take the bottle.
All that relaxing calls for a nice nap! Felines love spending time in these cozy hammocks. The “Spa Day for Kitteh” booklet has complete instructions for creating these—as well as fleecy, fuzzy beds for kitties who prefer not to let it all hang out.
Get your free “Spa Day for Kitteh” booklet today, and please share this with any animal advocates, shelters and rescue groups that may be interested. A little creativity can go a long way to help shelter cats!