ASPCA Happy Tails: After Neglect, Dolly Finds the Perfect Home

Every single day, ASPCA staffers have the privilege of meeting some of the most wonderful, spirited animals you could ever encounter. In fact, one of the hardest parts of our job is resisting the urge to adopt each and every one of them! But every now and then, we’ll meet an animal that inspires us to throw that resistance out the window. Such was the case with the ASPCA’s own Katherine G. and a neglected Chihuahua named Dolly.
In June 2015, poor little Dolly was abandoned in the Bronx, New York. Weighing only half of what she should have, the tiny, defenseless dog was also extremely malnourished and suffering from severe separation anxiety. Thankfully, she was rescued by the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and taken to the ASPCA Animal Hospital for immediate treatment.
Over the next few months, ASPCA veterinarians carefully monitored Dolly as she began to grow healthier each day. ASPCA behaviorists also worked on socializing Dolly with new, friendly faces. That’s when she met Katherine, who worked at the ASPCA Adoption Center. Katherine fell in love with the timid pup just as she was beginning to learn how to trust humans.

“She was so sweet and careful, yet friendly and trusting,” Katherine recalls. “She seemed so gentle and soft in her demeanor, I couldn't imagine how anyone could have just left her behind.”
At the time, Katherine was dismayed to learn that a potential adopter had already claimed Dolly. She was so sure that they were meant to be together that she asked to be listed as a secondary adopter on the slim chance that the first family didn’t work out. Sure enough, she soon learned that Dolly hadn’t taken well to the adopter’s other dog, and that our Behavior staff had determined it was a not a good match. “I was the lucky new fur mom!” Katherine says. On August 7, she officially adopted Dolly and changed her name to Ramina.

“Ramina is my first dog ever, and I have no idea what I was doing in my life before she came into it,” Katherine says. “She is the sweetest, gentlest and most sassy little lady I have ever known. She loves long walks and any toys that are shaped like flamingos. She’s such a good girl!”
The new twosome does everything together, and Katherine wouldn’t have it any other way. She says that Ramina loves to hang out with her while she cooks, watches TV or reads. “She also has this beautiful independent side to her where she goes off and does her own thing—by which I mean she gnaws on one of her many bones!” she laughs. “I adore her. She is just so wonderful.”
We think it’s safe to say that during her days of neglect, Ramina never could have imagined just how sweet her life could be. Thankfully, this incredible dog ended up right where she always belonged: in a loving home. Congratulations, Ramina!