
Former Dogfighting Victims Want You to Stop Believing These 10 Things

Second chances seem like they don’t come around too often, but at the ASPCA, they happen every day! Especially for former dogfighting victims. Following their rescue, dogs like these, once forced into lives of violence, are put on paths toward rehabilitation and healing. But that’s not where their stories end! We’ve seen countless dogfighting survivors go on to find the loving homes they deserve. 

Bill to Help Victims of Animal Fighting Reintroduced in U.S. House


The ASPCA’s ongoing work to stop the horrific cruelty of animal fighting is multi-faceted. Through our efforts supporting law enforcement, prosecutors, and veterinarians to combat this crime, we know firsthand that rescuing victims from animal fighting is just the first step in a long journey toward rehabilitation. Unfortunately, in federal animal-fighting cases, this journey can involve months-long stays for animals in shelters.


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